Friday, January 21, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Daily Horoscope

"Unfounded worries about money could plague you today, Libra. Someone close may have given you some incorrect information, perhaps about your financial situation, but more likely regarding trends in the economy that could affect your finances. Don't waste time worrying. Check out the facts before driving yourself crazy. You will probably find that you've been misinformed."

All well and good, horoscope, but that's also what you told me on Thursday.

I sense shenanigans.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

One (is not a very good U2 song)

So, today was not the best day. But someone did something nice and made it much better.

And they'll never even know who they are! Because I am the King of Mystery.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Go Mad From The Revelation

Weekends like this make me think I know how it must be to have Stephen King's brain. Lots and lots of fun, full of horrifying, evil revelations.