Friday, March 11, 2011

Dear Diary

Since no one reads this, this can be the place I write down the things that I want to write down, but I don't want my Facebook friends or twitter followers to see.

Right now I've got this feeling coursing through my entire body, this angry self-loathing that's making me shake and keeping me from concentrating more than a couple seconds at a time. And it's not just self-loathing, it's everything-loathing. Right now, if I could, I'd blow up the world. But it'll pass. And then something worse will happen.

I'll get cold. It's hard to be angry when you're cold. I get sad, instead. And tired. All the good anger-energy disappears.

I bring this shit on myself, though. You get what you ask for. I should just stop. I mean, when a friend tells you straight to your face they'd rather you fake being happy than help you with your problem, it makes you wonder what the point is.

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